3 Reasons to Consider BodyTite to Achieve the Look you Desire

male model with athletic body wearing comfortable black cotton underpants standing A healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way in reducing some body fat and help keep it away. In some cases, however, this may not be enough. Stubborn body fat around our abdomen and midsection can cause a decrease in self-confidence and, in severe cases, may cause you to miss out on specific activities.

Thankfully, there have been tremendous advancements in the medical treatment of stubborn body fat. Liposuction can be a great option as one of the most common procedures and perhaps the one that brings the most remarkable results in the shortest time.

However, liposuction has some drawbacks, including an extended recovery time and the inability to treat smaller and more delicate areas. And if significant amounts of fat are removed, the overlying skin can appear loose and saggy.

BodyTite is a system recently approved by the FDA that not only melts and removes body fat from within but also uses radiofrequency energy to help tighten the overlying skin, leaving a toned and tighter appearance. Of the many reasons to consider BodyTite as an option to remove body fat, here are three that are worth considering.

BodyTite is minimally invasive. Although BodyTite still requires a small probe to be inserted into the layer of fat, the probe is much smaller than the cannula used during liposuction. Since only local anesthesia is needed and used, most patients report minimal discomfort.

There is significantly less downtime. Since only local anesthesia is used, there is almost no recovery period after the treatments, and most patients go home soon after. Depending on the number and size of areas treated, some swelling and tenderness may linger for about a month.

BodyTite can be combined with other procedures. BodyTite treatments take about 15 minutes per area to be treated, and since it is so minimally invasive, it can be combined with many other cosmetic treatments. Depending on your goals, combining BodyTite with traditional liposuction can create a toned and proportional look.

If you have stubborn body fat that does not seem to go away with diet and exercise alone, contact Dr. Fante and the team at Fante Eye and Face Centre, to learn more about BodyTite skin tightening in Denver, CO. The office can be reached at 303-839-1616 or at www.drfante.com.

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