Aging occurs in the cells of the skin and other parts of the body. However, where we tend to see biological changes first is in our skin. The uppermost layers of skin tissue, the dermis and epidermis, begin to display concerns such as spots, roughness, fine lines, and laxity, all of which are related to cellular changes such as a slow-down in collagen production. We used to wait until the indications of aging were bad enough before treating them with facial cosmetic surgery. Not anymore. Now, adults of all ages are turning to laser treatments to support aging skin naturally.
What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Several laser treatments have been developed in recent years. The term laser skin resurfacing may be used somewhat as a blanket to describe all of them. But there are differences between the various laser techniques used today. Here, we want to focus on true laser skin resurfacing and what it can do for you.
The point of laser skin resurfacing is to remove the damaged skin of the epidermis. Doing this, the treatment paves the way for tissue regeneration at a deeper level. The results of laser skin resurfacing tend to be pretty remarkable due to the extensive collagen remodeling that takes place in response to controlled tissue damage. While resurfacing can achieve significant results, it is gentle enough for patients to combine this technique with others, like Botox or dermal fillers for deeper lines and creases.
Just as different laser devices are used for a wide range of problems, various devices are used for the purpose of laser skin resurfacing, as well. Each may use a particular wavelength or strength of energy based on the problems being addressed as well as skin type and tone. Some resurfacing techniques are fully ablative, covering the entire surface of the epidermis, while others emit light in a fractional grid-like pattern. The varying modalities allow us to meet each patient’s needs and preferences for results and downtime.
Why Now is a Great Time for Laser Treatments
There are two reasons to consider laser skin resurfacing or any other type of laser treatment right now. One is that we all like to look and feel our best for those holiday photos. Laser treatment can brighten and revive the appearance of your skin with little to no downtime whatsoever.
Laser treatments can address:
- Dark patches of skin
- Broken blood vessels and visible capillaries
- Fine wrinkles
- Large pore size
- Deeper wrinkles and creases
- Unwanted hair
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Melasma
- Acne scars
Another reason laser treatment is ideal for the winter months is that doctors recommend that patients avoid sun exposure after laser resurfacing. With the temperatures dropping, there’s no time like the present to cozy up to a warm fire while your skin regenerates itself after laser treatment.
Explore your laser treatment options in our Denver office by calling (303) 839-1616.