Some cosmetic concerns are notoriously hard to correct. A double-chin is one of them. While we have known for a long time that some people may be predisposed to fat accumulation in certain parts of the body, including the chin area, it has only been recently that solutions for this problem were developed. Years ago, plastic surgeons began performing liposuction of the neck to eliminate what is now known as submental fullness. In the past few years, however, we’ve been introduced to some incredible non-surgical options. Kybella (injections) is one. CoolSculpting is another.
CoolSculpting! That’s Body Contouring, Isn’t It?
CoolSculpting was developed several years ago as an innovative form of body contouring. It works based on cryolipolysis. This is the process of destroying fat cells by freezing them. Based on studies that a target temperature could damage fat cells without affecting the skin, CoolSculpting became known as one of the most convenient and effective fat-reducing treatments of our time. People from all around the world have accomplished beautiful results using CoolSculpting to eliminate stubborn abdominal fat and thigh fat. But submental fullness? That’s not a job for CoolSculpting, is it? Initially, it was not. Now, thanks to a new applicator, CoolSculpting is becoming one of the most popular double-chin treatments around.
CoolSculpting for the Double Chin
Our goal is to ensure our patients get the best results in the most convenient manner. We understand, though, that CoolSculpting may not be right for everyone. Our trained staff meets with each person interested in addressing their double chin to get to know their concerns and their expected outcome. All of the details about CoolSculpting are discussed during that consultation, including what can be achieved and how many treatments it may take to fully eradicate excess fat. Often, when a patient decides that CoolSculpting is right for them, we can conduct the procedure immediately.
The CoolSculpting procedure takes only about 30 minutes in many cases. Once the treatment is over, patients can go right back to their normal activities. The skin may look red for up to several hours. The chin area may feel numb or tingly. These side effects usually go away within a few days to a week. As soon as the process is complete, the body goes to work gradually breaking down the targeted fat cells and flushing them for good.
You don’t have to continue being frustrated about your double chin. Call our Denver office at (303) 839-1616 to schedule your CoolSculpting consultation.