We’ll fess up here a little bit and say that the power of injectables and other non-surgical treatments is only one reason why men and women may be shying away from facelift surgery. Another very prominent reason is that we have all seen the downside to poorly performed lifts. There’s no need to point out high-profile celebrities whose facelifts went wrong. What we do want to point out is that it isn’t the procedure that’s to blame.
There are steps that facial plastic surgeons now take to reinstate youthfulness without distracting from natural beauty. Gone are the days of obvious, over-tightened faces. Today, facelift surgery aims to recreate the structure that was present years prior. Lifting is only a small fraction of what brings about the desired result.
Facelift Surgery Results
- Lifting is less dramatic. Over time, it has become apparent that tightening tissue over the skeletal structure of the face could backfire. Yes, there is a need to reposition tissue to a higher position. The difference with today’s surgeries is that this repositioning is more conservative.
- The volume takes center stage. Tissue laxity is only one of the changes that age the face. Lifting tissues provide some benefit while adding volume to pivotal areas is the icing on top. One of the best ways to complete the facelift process is to add fat cells to the cheeks or another area of depression, such as the temples. Fat injections last much longer than dermal fillers, and ultimately look and feel the most natural – because it’s your fat!
- We see you. When people are considering facelift surgery, they are often encouraged to look at or show their surgeon a picture of themselves from about 10 years ago. The point of a surgical lift is to reinstate that appearance, not to create something new altogether.
Are you interested in the long-term results of a facelift? Learn more about how this procedure is performed and what it can do for you when you visit our Denver office or call (303) 839-1616.