Your eyelid serves many essential functions, including protecting the eye, keeping out foreign bodies or irritants, and maintaining lubrication. That is why injuries to the eyelid can severely impact the eye and even your vision. Eyelid retraction is a condition in which the eyelids are pulled back from their natural position, impeding our ability to blink or close the eye entirely.
Eyelid retraction can occur in one or both eyes and is typically caused by an overworking or injury to the muscles around the eye, such as those that are responsible for controlling eyelid movements. Thyroid eye disease, age-related changes, or unresolved issues following eyelid surgery can also cause eyelid retraction.
Retraction of the eyelids can be very uncomfortable as it interferes with blinking—something the average human does up to 19,500 times per day. It can lead to dryness, increased sensitivity to light, and difficulty in closing the eyes entirely. As well as affecting your daily life, these symptoms can impair your vision.
How to Fix Eyelid Retraction
There are several corrective treatments that can be used to restore the eyelid’s normal function. Your Fante Eye and Face Centre care team will carefully review your medical history and condition during your first appointment to assess the best treatment options. Surgical intervention can definitively correct the retraction.
Upper eyelid retraction surgery typically involves adjustments to the levator muscle. Surgical repair on the lower eyelids can be more involved and require several different techniques to tighten and lift the muscles, called the orbicularis oculi, and adjust the tendons. These procedures are often performed in an outpatient setting, with minimal pain and minor swelling or bruising. We like to see patients back within 7-10 days for a post-operative exam and to remove stitches.
If you believe you may be suffering from eyelid retraction, we encourage you to make an appointment. Call our Denver, Colorado, office at 303-839-1616 or visit us online at to request an appointment with Dr. Fante and our experienced team of experts. With proper diagnosis and treatment, the condition can typically be corrected to restore the normal function of your eyelids.