We’re Excited to Write You About New Developments in Our Practice Occurring in Early 2019
Dr. Fante was elected to the presidential track of ASOPRS (American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). He is currently Vice-President, and will be President in 2021. He continues to teach around the world, and will be Visiting Professor at University of Michigan in July. Dr. Fante is entering his sixth year on the board and committees of OMIC (Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company), helping to protect physician and patient interests, and defend insured ophthalmologists and optometrists from medical malpractice claims.  Dr. Fante has served on the Claims, Finance, Underwriting, and Risk Management committees. Dr. Fante has been the Editor-in-Chief for the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Oculofacial Plastic Surgery Knowledge Center since its inception in 2015, and is leading its current expansion. You can freely access peer-reviewed articles on almost every topic in oculofacial plastic surgery at aao.org/oculoplastics-center
In the December 2018 issue of Ophthalmology, Dr. Fante published a report on OMIC’s indemnity experience with oculofacial plastic surgery claims over an 11 year period, noting an interesting difference in the outcomes of cases involving alleged medical error versus those with cosmetic complaints. This article is available at AAOjournal.org.
ReDerm MD Medical Spa is one of Denver’s premier med spas specializing in state of the art face and body treatments. ReDerm MD offers a broad array of laser treatments including the newest Sciton lasers that resurface the skin with very little downtime, SkinTyte, and BBL that addresses red or brown pigment. Our caring and compassionate para-medical aestheticians are master certified in CoolSculpting and have been awarded recognition for treating over 1,000 treatments. Other specialties include Pelleve radio frequency, Micro-needling, derma-planing, and microdermabrasion to improve skin texture and vibrancy. We also offer various facials and chemical peels to help maintain youthful appearance. Lastly, we have full body waxing, lash and brow tinting, and extensions.  Our close association with Fante Eye & Face Centre enables patients to obtain immediate help with consultations and pre and post care for surgeries.