Cosmetic surgery is a field of innovation. We enjoy watching the development of new treatments and procedures occur. In many cases, new techniques eventually make their way to our Denver office; but only after lengthy clinical studies have proven the efficacy and safety of any given process. One that we are pleased to provide to patients seeking facial rejuvenation is fat transfer or fat grafting. Though safe and effective, we also need to compare fat transfer to the traditional surgical lift to assure each patient the opportunity to look their best.
Something to Consider
Facial aging is largely about volume loss. As collagen degrades over time, the structure of superficial tissue changes. We may see this as flattening cheekbones, hollowness below the eyes or cheeks (or both), and the increased appearance of jowls at the sides of the jawline. When we perceive the full degree of structural decline as related to fat, it will make sense also to assume fat transfer is the answer.
Ultimately, we approach facial rejuvenation with the intent of achieving a very natural result. Just like synthetic dermal fillers can alter the natural appearance of the face and make you not look like you, so can fat. For example, if your face has always been on the thin side, the sudden appearance of full, round cheeks would seem out of place.
Age-related changes in the face are also related to deeper tissues that lose resiliency as collagen declines. Gravity has a greater effect on these subdermal tissues that usually sit snug against the bone structure. What cosmetic surgeons used to do was remove all excess tissue and suture the skin more tightly against the bone structure. This didn’t restore volume, though; it only made for a gaunt-looking face.
Addressing the Uniqueness of Every Face
Every face is unique. For this reason, a traditional facelift, with its tightening and removing, may not be the answer to aging. On the other hand, addressing volume loss and facial laxity by plumping the cheeks, jawline, and undereye areas may also diminish natural beauty. The best approach to facial rejuvenation, then, is to observe you’re natural facial contouring and take necessary action based on that. Many patients find that a slight lift or a lift combined with either fat grafting or dermal fillers is the solution that best meets their desire for long-term rejuvenation.
Contact our Denver office at (303) 839-1616 to learn more about fat grafting and facelift techniques.