How Can Eyelid Retraction Occur?
Eyelid retraction can occur as a result of trauma, such as a cut or bone fracture, which can lead to scarring.
Eyelid retraction can also occur as a side effect of a disease. Damaged nerves can also lead to eyelid retraction. This can make it difficult to close the eyelids which can lead to other vision and health problems.
Upper eyelid retraction occurs when the upper eyelid sits in an abnormally higher resting position, which can give the eye a staring-like look. Lower eyelid retraction occurs when the lower eyelid sits much lower than normal or has a rounded appearance.
The effects of eyelid retraction can include difficulty opening and closing your eyes, infection, and dehydration of the cornea.
Eyelid Retraction Surgery
Eyelid retraction surgery can be done with or without sedation. Local anesthetic is usually required and can help ease the pain and comfort during the procedure. This procedure works to correct the positioning of the eyelid by raising or lowering it.
Not only will this procedure improve functionality, but can also help more aesthetics. This procedure will help reduce irritation, discomfort, and redness.
What to Expect After Eyelid Retraction Surgery
After the procedure, you can expect your eyelid to feel sore and a bit tight. The area may also feel itchy, dry, and sensitive to light for a few days after. It is important to keep the area clean and avoid touching it as much as possible, as this will prevent the transfer of bacteria and other germs. Stitches typically get removed in five to ten days after the procedure.
You can expect to resume your normal day-to-day activities in around 10 to 14 days after the procedure. It is important to note that the area may be swollen and bruised for up to three weeks after the procedure, but will continue to improve as time goes on.
Schedule an Appointment With Fante Eye and Face Centre
At Fante Eye and Face Centre in Denver, CO, we prize your health as our top priority.If you would like to know more about eyelid retraction, give us a call at 303-839-1616. You can schedule an appointment online to see one of our experienced doctors. We look forward to meeting you.