The Case for Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty has quickly become one of the leading cosmetic procedures worldwide. While the use of injectables has also increased, there is little that can be done about sagging skin on the upper and lower eyelids outside of surgery. The need for blepharoplasty may stem from the physical complaints a person has, such as space in between the surface of the eye and the skin of the lower eyelid. Older patients with extreme laxity may suffer poor vision when skin on the upper eyelid droops over the surface of the eye. Functional blepharoplasty can resolve these issues and, in some cases, may be covered by insurance. Cosmetic blepharoplasty is an elective procedure that can give a person back the vibrant, youthful appearance they enjoyed ten years ago.
The Question of Scarring
Regardless of the reason for eyelid surgery, great care is taken to place incisions in the most discreet location. When possible, this may be inside the eyelid. When external incisions are necessary, they are typically placed in a natural crease. Still, patients like to know how they can decrease the risk that their eyelid will have permanent lines.
Fortunately, it is relatively easy to decrease the risk of post-surgical scarring. The first way is by covering the eyes. If you don’t already wear large or “wraparound” sunglasses, you may want to purchase a pair before your surgery. The less sunlight that reaches the skin around the eyes, the better. Exposure to UV rays can also be decreased by wearing a baseball cap or hat with a large brim..
Scar cream is another beneficial trick to help the skin heal fully after blepharoplasty or other type of eyelid surgery. Before your eyelid surgery, speak with us about your options for scar prevention.
Fante Eye & Face Center is happy to consult with you about your functional and aesthetic concerns. Speak with a friendly member of our staff at (303) 839-1616.