Radiofrequency (RF) energy is another treatment option that uses RF waves sent from above the skin to destroy the fat cells below. Using its normal metabolic processes, your body then cleans up the rest. This method also produces a great result, but it takes a bit longer for the results to be fully seen.
In recent years, doctors and surgeons have been able to combine these two into a single, less-invasive but still very successful cosmetic procedure. Radiofrequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL) uses RF energy to melt the fat cells, while a much smaller cannula than what is used for traditional liposuction can remove the destroyed cells during the procedure.
AccuTite is the smallest of the available RFAL systems and provides exceptional results in smaller and more delicate areas, where larger treatment options may not give the same proportional improvement. Using the pinpoint control offered by AccuTite, your surgeon can remove a precise amount of fat from areas such as your upper arms, hands, and thighs.
Since the device is much smaller than traditional liposuction, there is much less risk of visible scarring from the insertion site for the cannula. And as the fat is removed, instead of waiting for your body to do the cleanup from the RF energy, results can be seen right away, although the best results will come around 3 months after the procedure and continue for up to a year.
As a side benefit, the RF energy used by AccuTite also causes collagen fibers within and under the skin to tighten, leading to less chance of sagging skin after removing fat cells.
If you want to permanently and safely remove stubborn body fat, AccuTite can provide the results you wish for nearly anywhere on your body. Call Dr. Fante and the team at Fante Eye and Face Centre in Denver, CO, at 303-839-1616 or visit to schedule an appointment today.